Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sneeze, Sneeze, Cough

Yep. That's right. That is all I have been doing for a couple of days now. Sneezing and coughing, sneezing and coughing, sneezing...... oh you get the point, I'm sure. I have been able to talk to the coworker a little. She knows where I stand and she knows that I don't hate her, she understands it is hard to sit back and watch her dream unfold BEFORE mine.

On the plus side, I MADE MY OB APPT!!!! I go Feb. 15. I'm kinda excited, kinda nervous. Are there particular questions that I should ask? What kind of information do I need to give her?  The OB I am going to has been decided based upon financial aspects. They offer a 55% discount to self pay patients. WHICH IS A HUGE RELIEF! I have heard positive and negative feedback, but as with most things, no 2 people have the same exact experience. I hope that this is what I am looking for. But how can I ever be to certain? I know my fertility isnt a trial and error thing, but IF I don't feel at all comfortable or that things are getting done, I can switch, right? Please feel free to give me information on this aspect :) It will be greatly appreciated.....

OHHHH! And I am PRETTY POSITIVE I am starting Grad school next week. I got an email and have an interview/orientation tomorrow with the head of the program (the interview is for a grant= FREE SCHOOL)!!! And then I will know for sure!!

Lots of love and baby dust :)

Tiff <3


  1. I remember reading this post, not sure why I didn't comment! YAY for the OB appointment! That's going to come soon! I'm so excited for you! As for questions, I think you'll be able to get a huge list written by then, but just ask what steps they take? How long the try things out? After blood work at my OB I was sent to and Endocrinologist who wanted to try a few things out, and he gave me a very nice realistic time frame. Anything that comes to mind ask, because if they'll sit there and answer a zillion questions for you and make it seem like you can ask a zillion more without a problem then I'd say you have a pretty awesome OB :) I wish I was more help but I only saw the two dr's and I wasn't sure what to ask either :) I'll try and help ya come up with ?'s too :)

  2. Thanks Sara!!! I can ALWAYS count on you :) NOW!! YOu need to tell me how I can know when you comment my stuff, other than when i come and look..... :)

  3. Lol, I have no idea how you know people comment other than checking. I'll look it up tomorrow if I remember and I'll let ya know :)
