Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Breaking from TTC

Matt and I had a long conversation last night. One of the things we discussed was taking a TTC break. Not because we want to but because emotionally I need it. I have the mind set of let go and let God. Now we aren't going to do any form or birth control so if it happens naturally then great!!! But for now, if it doesn't I have got to focus on getting in better health. I need to get my weight back under control and start mentally andemotionally preparing for the long road to baby. Which I think I am going to name my blog. In the long run, whether I get pregnant now or later, my child will be brought into being through less stress and better health for both of us. I have also decided to go ahead and go to grad school. The way I get the bulk of my schooling done so that when baby does come, I'll be able to devote every minute to him or her!!! If you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to tell me!!! Also I would like to know if anyone else has taken the break and wat they are doing/ did and the benefits!! Thanks sincerely!!!


  1. I think it's an awesome idea, Tiff! I have some months where I do the same thing - ultimately, I end up back focusing on TTC again because I'm turning 35 in 7 months, so my biological clock is ticking REALLY loud. But those months when I just let go and let God are GREAT! In fact, I got pregnant on one of them. Of course, I don't have as many fertility challenges on my end as some gals do, so it doesn't work for everyone, (duh, otherwise we'd all be "just relaxing") but it sure taught me a lesson.

    The greatest part about taking time away from focusing on TTC is that it does allow you to focus on improving your overall health and well-being - just like you described. And that's great for preventing even more possible problems with TTC in the future!

    I'm focusing on fitness right now, too, so let me know what your goals are and we can support each other!

  2. the only breaks I have taken in the past two years were forced breaks. Cysts derailed me for months and then i needed to be immunized for rubella so that was another month off. Just when I decided to take time off for me (the month of august) I kind of got forced onto another break anyway. the timing for my next course of treatment and my cycle pushed me to september anyway. but at least this time I was content to wait because i still feel like it was kinda my idea and i was ready for it.

  3. You should update :) I hope things are going well for you :)
